The following is an annotated list of projects in which the MPRRC is a contributing partner providing either man-power, funding, or oversight or with which we regularly collaborate:
MPRRC is a partner with the University of Oregon in providing technical assistance to States on PBIS. The Center has been established by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to build State, district, and school capacity for identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective school wide disciplinary practices. MPRRC is actively assisting States in our region to develop statewide efforts to implement PBIS using the PBIS Blueprint.
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Summits have provided an opportunity for state leadership teams to learn about and plan for systems change options for service delivery models. Strategies that take into account issues unique to deaf and hard of hearing students, improve student outcomes, and that support high standards, full access to communication and authentic peer relationships have been presented. Summits have been centered on the goals of the National Agenda using an action-oriented agenda. Facilitated work sessions promote discussion within teams and among participants. Summits are aimed at improving results within an accountability framework. Summits are planned by a representative planning team and facilitated by the MPRRC and the RRFC network.
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