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Topical Link Collections / Responsiveness to Intervention / State Activities, Policy and Guidance 
Many schools and districts have already been using a type of problem-solving or RtI process to improve instruction for all students. Recently, RtI has gained heightened attention because of the passage of IDEA 2004 and states are now instituting statewide initiatives.
Arizona -
Arizona is implementing a training project on RTI. Their website is somewhat challenging to navigate as it is a work space for district staff so has many password controlled areas. Following the RTI Materials button on the left will take you to two PowerPoint presentations on the project and training materials.

California - RtI Training for Educators
This web site contains an archive of the Webcast Training Series that began March 16, 2006. Top educators from across the nation provided information on implementing a multi-tier RtI system aligned with NCLB that is designed to improve child academic and behavioral outcomes. Materials related to each presentation are available under the "Materials" tab.

Colorado - School-Wide System for Student Success
Colorado is using a three-tiered, problem-solving approach. They have developed a variety of tools to assist schools in implementing the system. Their site offers a guidebook, leadership training, and tools.

Delaware - RtI Web Site
This is the RtI web site for the Delaware Department of Education. The site includes a variety of materials including: a FAQ Guide; DE RtI Flowchart, DE RtI Planning Guide, Training Modules, District RtI Team Planning Session Presentations and Handouts plus much more.

Florida - Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
This technical assistance paper delineates the purpose for RtI, explains how it should be implemented in different content areas,  and discusses the use of RtI in determining eligibility for special eduction services. See page 9 for specific tips on communicating with parents regarding the response to intervention process.

Georgia - Student Achievement Pyramid of Intervention
The framework of a multi-tier system of intervention options Georgia uses to guide eligibility teams in applying decisions to general, remedial, and special education.  It is a component of their Special Education Rules Implementation Manual.

Idaho - RtI Learning Community
Idaho's Results Based Model (RBM) initiative has evolved into a new format. 
The RtI Electronic Learning Community is a gathering point for parents and professionals to share information concerning Response to Intervention. The site supports a variety of documents and other resources, including discussion forums.

Iowa - Learning Supports
Learning Supports is an Initiative led by the Iowa Department of Education and embedded in the work of the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. The Learning Supports Initiative provides a model of how agencies and organizations can align their work to target a specific result within a larger youth development framework. Website includes Concept paper, Logic Model and resources, as well as a report relating procedures followed in creating the statewide initiative.

Kansas - Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
This web page provides an overview of the Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). This page also outlines the core beliefs underlying the MTSS as the following:

  • Every child learns and achieves to high standards
  • Learning includes academic and social competencies
  • Every member of the education community continues to grow, learn and reflect
  • Every leader at all levels are responsible for every student
  • Change is intentional, coherent and dynamic

Minnesota - Webinar: Implementing RtI -- Lessons from the Minneapolis Public Schools Problem-Solving Model
On June 20th, 2006 the Access Center hosted a webinar titled "Implementing RtI: Lessons from the Minneapolis Public Schools Problem-Solving Model." This link allows you to hear the webinar. This is free of charge and no registration is required.

Nebraska - RtI Consortium
The Nebraska RtI Consortium was created based on a request from Nebraska Department of Education personnel and the Nebraska RtI Ad-Hoc Committee to help promote successful use of RtI throughout the state of Nebraska. Under the direction of multiple educational stakeholders (state and regional administrators, school psychologists, special educators, teachers, university personnel, etc.), it provides ongoing leadership and support for Educational Service Units (ESUs) and school districts in the implementation of RtI practices. Specifically, the Consortium has been designed to help:
  1. Coordinate and supervise a statewide RtI implementation plan;
  2. Train ESUs and school districts to deliver high quality support for the implementation of RtI;
  3. Provide guidelines and support for a quality implementation process for RtI service delivery and eligibility determination;
  4. Coordinate the analysis and evaluation of statewide RtI data; and
  5. Disseminate results from state RtI implementation.

New Mexico - Response to Intervention Site
New Mexico's RTI page provides with guidance, information, and resources about the RtI framework for New Mexico's schools.
For access to New Mexico's current guidance documents, click on the "Rule, Policy and Guidance" link following through to the publications.

North Carolina - Problem-Solving Model
North Carolina has developed a Problem-Solving Model Pilot and accompanying Problem-Solving Model Process Graphics  as tools to introduce both the conceptual framework and the process involved in providing a foundation for a planned, systematic set of interventions that can be monitored and evaluated to determine effectiveness.

Information is provided on the Model Pilot and the Problem-Solving Process. A Guide for Parents and Teachers has also been developed to assist in developing education solutions for problems that arise in schools. Also included on this page is a graphical representation of the Model and Training Materials used to provide training which are available for school personnel to use for awareness training and training on key concepts.

North Dakota - Identification and Evaluation of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
North Dakota's guidelines address evaluation of SLD from an RTI perpective and a discrepancy model perspective.

Oregon - Response to Intervention Initiative
The Oregon Department of Education's "Response to Intervention" (RTI) Initiative and training program (OR-RTI)  has been developed with the assistance of Tigard-Tualitin School District.

Tigard-Tualatin District has implemented the key components of the RTI approach for nearly five years and as a result has valuable experience that will aid the Department in disseminating their nationally recognized resources and knowledge statewide.

Pennsylvania - Presentation at the Supporting the Performance of Diverse Learners Conference
This presentation at the Supporting the Performance of Diverse Learners conference describes RtI framework and a pilot study of implementing RtI in seven schools in Pennsylvania.

South Dakota - RtI Web Site
South Dakota's RtI site contains their state plan, parent information, SLD eligibility guidelines, pilot site information, as well as specific pieces of the state plan set out as discrete documents.

Texas - RtI Site
In Texas, LEAs may choose to use an RtI process as one of a variety of measures used in evaluating LD eligibility.  The RtI site gives links to positive behavior programs in Texas and Early Intervening service guidelines.

Utah Special Educator - RtI and the Utah ABC Triangle
A description of Utah's RtI system, detailed in different articles of the Utah Special Educator, a publication of the Utah Personnel Development Center.

Utah - Three Tier Model of Reading Instruction
Utah's document to help educators implement the three-tiered model for reading.   The model is designed to provide research-based instruction and targeted interventions that lead to successful reading.

Vermont - Self-Assessment Tool
Vermont has developed a self-assessment tool called Indicators for School Readiness for RtI.

Virginia - RtI Initiative: Superintendent's Memo
This link is to a November 2007 Superintendent's Memo to Division Superintendents relating to the Virginia RtI Initiative. The memo introduces the RtI guidance document below; identifies the focus of IDEA 2004 on the RtI process; defines RtI as an integrated approach to service delivery that encompasses general, remedial, and special education through a multitiered service delivery model; announced statewide RtI institutes; and indicated the Department would be seeking several divisions to serve as pilot sites for gleaning best practices for RtI implementation.

Virginia - RtI Guidance Document
The document Responsive Instruction: Refining Our Work of Teaching All Children -- Virginia's "Response to Intervention" Initiative -- A Guide for School Divisions was developed in 2007.
This guidance document outlines the principles and practices for implementing an effective RtI process in schools. Its purpose is to assist school divisions in taking action to provide seamless instructional and behavioral strategies that maximize educational opportunity for all students. It is hoped that each division will take advantage of the opportunity to embrace RtI. The guidance will provide a conceptual framework and valuable information on developing, designing, and implementing a successful RtI program in each division.

Washington - Response to Intervention, Universal Screening, Progress Monitoring and Model Programs, Policies and Procedures
Washington's website includes their Response to Intervention (RTI) Manual, a presentation on the Washington state model, and a variety ofother supporting materials.

West Virginia - Response to Intervention Web Page
This is the link for the West Virginia RtI web page. This page includes the following information on: RtI Implementation; Tiered Instruction in Math and Reading; Assessment; Instruction and Intervention; RtI and Special Education; RtI Specialists; SLD Training; Parent Information; FAQs; Resources; and Forms.

West Virginia - RtI Technical Assistance Guide
In January 2005, the West Virginia Department of Education, Office of Special Education Achievement (OSEA), charged a group of district stakeholders with studying the response to intervention literature that would be used in developing the plan to initiate a model in West Virginia. By June, through an application process, eleven schools in nine districts were selected to pilot the West Virginia Response to Intervention Project during the 2005-2006 school year. The goal of the pilot process was to provide local districts interested in exercising the IDEA 2004 option with reliable, evidence-based knowledge of benefits, challenges, costs and system changes. Accordingly, an independent program evaluation was conducted and results have been used to inform the development of the document entitled, West Virginia Response to Intervention: An Implementation and Technical Assistance Guide for Districts and Schools in 2006. This document is intended to provide technical assistance for districts and schools in West Virginia regarding implementation of RtI.

Wyoming - Guidelines for Identifying Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
This Wyoming procedure document indicates that WY allows for the use of RtI or a discrepancy model for the identification of students with specific learning disabilities (SLD).

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