NERRC Focus: NERRC Hosts Regional Teacher Quality Forum: Developing the Work Force in the Northeast
At the request of Region 1 states, NERRC convened national and regional technical assistance providers and state education agency teams for two days of focused work on teacher quality. This issue of NERRC Focus highlights the work generated at this forum.
Keeping Quality Teachers, by Karen Mikkelsen, NERRC Program Associate (and other Authors), Spring 2005*Download Chapters Free Below
This document provides school leaders with resources to increase the awareness of the need to address retention of all teachers, especially in special education. It contains a framework for action that includes tools that, if implemented, will promote the retention of quality teachers. This framework can be used to create a plan at the school or district levels, or to strengthen existing plans. School leaders at all levels can use the resources and strategies to strengthen their efforts to ensure that students learn with quality teachers.
Download the full document - 352 pages, 5 MB (a large download)
Download by Chapter
Chapter 1 Making the Case for Teacher Retention
Chapter 2 Building a Framework: Improving Working Conditions
Chapter 3 The Role of the Administrator
Chapter 4 Induction and Mentoring Programs that Work
Chapter 5 Promoting Linkages - Partnerships between Schools and Higher Education
Chapter 6 Bringing it Together (Appendix)
Teacher Retention Additional Models
Mentoring Locally & Internationally - WestEd's Efforts to Combat the Teacher Shortage, by Cybele Elaine Werts, NERRC Information Specialist, Spring 2004
It has become common knowledge that there is a teacher shortage in the United States, with two to two and a half million positions to fill in each of the next 10 years, as well as a 30-50% turnover of teachers. Yet, according to an article in Educational Leadership, there are many more prepared and certified teachers than jobs available. How can it be that we simultaneously have a teacher shortage and a teacher oversupply? Read this document to find out.
NERRC Conference Coverage: OSEP Leadership Conference on Teacher Shortage, Fall 2001
To help state directors of special education develop strategies to address the special education personnel shortage, NERRC, in collaboration with the Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center, hosted a session at the 2001 Annual Leadership Conference of the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs. The two key questions addressed were:
- How will we as a nation address the growing shortage of qualified special education teachers and related services personnel, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds?
- How will we ensure that special education personnel have the skills they need to effectively serve students with disabilities?
Find out the answers in this issue of NERRC Conference Coverage.