Behavior Discipline Workgroup |
Behavior Management and Discipline Workgroup
Chair: Carol Massanari
Positive behavior and positive school climate support and enhance learning. Time and energy spent on discipline is time and energy taken away from instruction. As schools recognize the relationship of behavior to learning and as AYP data brings greater attention to graduation and drop-out rates, there is an increased interest in and need for information and support for implementing positive behavioral interventions and support. States have identified issues and challenges specific to behavior and discipline as an ongoing priority for collective focus and activity.
This workgroup is a community of practice through which staffs from the various MPRRC states can share knowledge and experience, seek advice from states with similar issues, and hear about up-to-date research and practice. Regular conference calls and periodic face-to-face meetings provide a forum for generating information and knowledge state staffs can use in addressing issues specific to social behavior and discipline.
Identified Goals
- State staff will connect, as needed, with other staff across the region to share ideas and solutions regarding effective strategies for improving programs for students with behavioral and emotional problems
- State staff will receive information from experts on effective practices (i.e., research-based) for addressing school-based issues related to behavior and discipline
- State staff will use ideas and strategies shared by other SEA staff to design statewide, sustainable improvement initiatives.
General Behavior Management and Discipline Resources
View the Member's List
Past Minutes and Materials
January 22, 2008 Minutes are not available for this call. Instead, a full recording of the call is available at the link below.
- Presenter: Reece Peterson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Topic: Physical Restraint and Seclusion
November 21, 2007 Minutes are not available for this call. Instead, a full recording of the call is available at the links below.
- Presenter: Cindy Anderson, University of Oregon
- Topic: Functional Behavioral Assessment within a PBS system
Call Segment One
Call Segment Two
Note: Due to some technical difficulties, the call was recorded in two segments.
Minutes - March 6, 2007
- Presenters: Lucille Eber, Collette Leuck, and Eugene Thompson
- Topic: Integrating Mental Health into Schoolwide Systems of PBS
Minutes - January 3, 2007
- Presenters: John Umbreit, Jolenea Ferro, and Carl Liaupsin
- Topic: Developing Local Capacity to Design Function-based Intervention
Minutes - November 1, 2006
- Presenter: Elizabeth Kozleski
- Topic: Wazz up with Education: Looking at Challenges, Contexts, and Complexities
Minutes - September 5, 2006
- Presenter: Heather Robbins
- Topic: Considerations for Implementing PBIS in Reservation Schools
Considerations for Implementing PBIS in Reservation Schools
Minutes - July 12, 2006
- Presenter: Rob Horner
- Topic: What's New in PBIS?
Research Brief: A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing School-wide Positive Behavior Support
School-wide Positive Behavior Support
Minutes - May 10, 2006
- Presenter: Don Kincaid
- Topic: Data Collection and Management
Using School-wide PBS Data at School, District, and State Levels
Minutes - March 1, 2006
- Presenters: Mary Louise Hemmeter, Eric Mann, and Howard Muscott
- Topic: PBIS in Preschool
- Promoting Children?s Social and Emotional Development and Addressing Challenging Behavior
Minutes - November 2, 2005
- Presenters: B/D Workgroup Members
- Topic: Key Learning from Chicago Forum
Minutes - September 13, 2005
- Presenter: Loujenia Williams Bost
- Topic: Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
NDPC Brochure: "An Overview of Cognitive Behavioral Interventions"
Minutes - July 13, 2005
- Presenters: Carl Smith, Suanna Wessendorf, and Steve Goodman
- Topic: Iowa and Michigan PBIS Initiatives
Iowa Initiative on School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative
Minutes - May 11, 2005
- Presenter: Carol Anderson
- Topic: IDEA 2004 - Early Intervening Services
Utah's Behavior Initiatives and State Improvement Grant (NOTE: This file is about 17 Megabytes)
Minutes - March 16, 2005
- Presenter: Elena Gallegos
- Topic: IDEA Revisions of Importance to Behavior and Discipline
Minutes - January 5, 2005
- Presenter: Tim Lewis
- Topic: Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support and Related Initiatives
School-wide Positive Behavior Support and Related Initiatives
Minutes - November 10, 2004
- Presenter: Bob Eppler and Craig Rosen,
- Topic: PBS in Alternative (Institutional) Settings
Positive Behavior Supports and the Iowa Juvenile Home
Minutes - September 8, 2004
- Presenter: Steven W. Evans
- Topic: Mental Health in the Schools
Establishing Effective School Mental Health Programs
Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 February 2008 ) |